
Please read the descriptions of the workshops, as you will be asked to choose two workshops that you would like to attend on Saturday afternoon.

The Marist Paradigm

Workshop Facilitator: João Carlos do Prado, FMS

The Marist Mission in a new world

The 21st General Chapter, held by the Marist Institute in 2009, challenges us to consider the “Marist mission in a new world”. On the eve of the third centenary of the Institute, we are invited to look at the future challenges and opportunities for us Marist Charism. We live in a new time. The Marist Education does not belong exclusively to the Brothers any longer. Wherever it is present, it is a gift shared with so many lay people. Dreaming about the future implies finding a new paradigm allowing brothers and lay people to build the future of the Marist mission together. We share the responsibility of strengthening our presence among children and youth. This workshop will contribute to the ongoing reflection on the future of the Marist charism. Its main goal is to imagine possible scenarios for the Marist mission in the years to come and the specific mission of Brothers and lay people within them.

Marist Leadership

Workshop Facilitator: Brother Ernesto Sánchez

Marcellin Champagnat, as a leader, listened to the signs of the time, and offered a creative response to the needs of his context. The same inspiration that Marcellin received about 200 years ago is present and acting in our days. As Marists Today, we are called to exercise a leadership for our times. The context of our current society requires new ways of rebranding, adapting and implementing the core values of our founder Marcelin Champagnat. This workshop will offer the participants an opportunity to dialogue and reflect together, trying to connect their own experiences, qualities and skills, with the core elements and values related to Marist Leadership. During the workshop, we will combine some moments of PowerPoint presentation with some practical questions for discussion. We will focus on the different Ministries currently present in the Countries forming the West Central Europe Province, under the view of Leadership and Membership towards a "New Dawn".

Marial Schools

Workshop Facilitator: Brother Richard Van Houten

Every church or school community has a personality. Modeled on Saint Peter, it can be driven by the will, emphasising authority and rules. Like John the Evangelist, it can emphasise the intellect, valuing detailed and even obscure bits of knowledge. Or, like Mary, a Marist School can be familial, compassionate, welcoming, hardworking, simple, and attentive to the needs of all, especially the least favored. This workshop explores our practical, everyday choices that make Jesus known and loved - or not.

Marist Spirituality: Attentive Presence in Life and Work

Workshop Facilitator: Bernice Reintkens

Exercise conducted in small groups

The Inner Journey

Workshop Facilitator: Liesbeth van Gool (Elizabeth)

Everybody has an inner compass. Mostly we are not aware of this compass. Every day we make decisions about many things. In our daily routines of our private and professional lives we are busy deciding about how to do the things we do. But why do we decide against something? We gather arguments but do they really inform us of the advantages and disadvantages? Does our faith influence our decisions in this and how does Marian Spirituality inform these decisions? What are our values? What do we want to cling on to in our schools? What do we hold so dear that we want to pass on to the younger generation who are given to our educational and pedagogical care?

In this workshop we will take the inner journey to explore our compass, our identity. We look for the way personal and professional identity is intertwined and if Saint Marcellin Champagnat can be a compass point.