Marist Educational Conference Programme

Overview of the Programme

An exciting, interesting and we hope inspiring programme awaits you in Alicante. As you will be aware, the theme of the conference is "Awakening a New Dawn". The new dawn being the new Marist Leadership which will build on the tradition of the Marist Brothers in our schools. We kick off on Friday evening with a welcome and getting to know each other session. It is the Feast Day of Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the Marist Brothers, so it's also a great time to celebrate and socialise.

On Saturday morning we will here from Michael and Tony about how Marist Leadership is developing in Australia. What can we learn from the Australian experience and what needs to different for us in Europe? In the afternoon there will be an opportunity to participate in two different workshops. The purpose of the workshops is to offer different angles on how Marist Leadership could develop and grow in our schools. There will be over 70 participants at the conference. The workshops will have around 12-15 participants. This will give an opportunity for a more in-depth dialogue on a topic of interest. A sign up process for the workshops will be explained on Saturday morning. In the meantime it would be good to be thinking about which two workshops you might attend. Get to know the Workshop Facilitators on the Friday evening! See the 'mug shots' and short bios on all of the conference facilitators.

On Saturday evening, we will have a Spanish evening in the garden. The opportunity to socialise and enjoy each other's company is an important part of the conference.

On Sunday we will be reflecting and focusing our conversation on what Marist Leadership means for us in West Central Europe. There will be a series of facilitated conversations. We will then celebrate Pentecost Sunday and after lunch we will head for Alicante. Our visit to Alicante is a good time to let ideas percolate and enjoy a bit of Spanish culture. We will end the day with a meal in a local restaurant.

On Monday we will be thinking about what steps can be taken locally and how can we stay connected and support each other beyond the conference. It will then be time to say goodbye and make our way to the next stage of our journey.

There follows a short description of the Keynote Presentation on Saturday morning. Please see the workshop section for details on Saturday afternoon workshops. See also the schedule for more detail. We look forward to welcoming you to Guadamar.

Keynote Presentation by Brother Michael Green and Tony Clarke

In this keynote session, Tony Clarke (Director of Formation in Mission and Life in the Province of Australia) and Brother Michael Green (National Director of Marist Schools Australia) will lead us in an exploration of what it could mean to be Christian disciples and Christian educators in the Marist Way. They will invite us to reflect on the essence of Marist Spirituality and Marist Education, and the ways through which people in school leadership can plumb the riches of these traditions to excite teachers and young people with the message of the Gospel. The imperative for Marist leaders to be "prophets and mystics" within the realities of the contemporary Catholic school will be a particular focus. Tony and Michael will also present the initiatives that have been taken in Australia to foster a shared responsibility for Marist life and mission now and into the future, and invite us to reflect on any insights or possibilities their experience might suggest for schools in our Province.


Friday 6th June

  • 16:00 onwards - Arrival
  • 18.00 - 1st Session - Getting to know each other/ Exercise on Marist Values/ Opening Prayer
  • 8.00 - Reception on Terrace to celebrate the Feast of Marcellin Champagnat
  • 8.45 - Supper

Saturday 7th June

  • 8.00 - Breakfast
  • 9.00 - Gathering prayer & Session 2
  • 11.00 - Break
  • 11.30 - Session 3
  • 13.45 - Marial Moment
  • 14.00 - Lunch
  • 16.00 - Session 4 - Workshops
  • 17.30 - Break
  • 18.00 - Session 5 - Workshops
  • 19.30 - Evening Prayer
  • 20.30 - Supper outside - Spanish theme

8th June: Pentecost Sunday

  • 8.00 - Breakfast
  • 9.00 - Gathering prayer & Session 6
  • 11.00 - Break
  • 11.30 - Session 7
  • 13.00 - Eucharist
  • 14.00 - Lunch
  • 16.00 - Bus to Alicante for sightseeing, relaxing etc.
  • 19.30 - Bus to Santa Pola for dinner in restaurant
  • 20.30 - Dinner in Alicante
  • 21.30 - Bus back to Guardamar

Monday 9th June

  • 8.00 - Breakfast
  • 9.00 - Gathering prayer & Session 8
  • 11.00 - Break
  • 11.30 - Session
  • 12.30 - Concluding Prayer
  • 13.00 - Lunch
  • 14.00 - Departure