Reflection on our Marist Characteristic Spirit

Our style of educating is based on a vision that is truly holistic, and that consciously seeks to communicate values. While we share such a vision with many, especially in Church circles, we use a distinctive pedagogical approach which Marcellin and the first Marists initiated and which was innovative in many of its aspects and which is reflected in the motto of our Marist schools and projects.

We share their intuition that "to bring up children properly, we must love them, and love them all equally". From this principle flow the particular characteristics of our style of education: presence; simplicity; building community, love of work, and all in the spirit of Mary.

The vision of Marist Education sees all disciples of Marcellin Champagnat, Brothers and Lay people working together in mission, in the Church and the world, among young people, especially the most neglected, sowing seeds of the Good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a distinctive Marist philosophy. (In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat: A Vision for Marist Education)

Jesus accompanying the two disciples on the road to Emmaus is the paradigm for our approach to young people. (Lk 24:13)

We choose to be present among young people in the same way that Jesus was with the disciples on the road to Emmaus:

  • respectful of their consciences and stages of understanding,
  • passionately immersed in their concerns,
  • walking alongside them as their brothers and sisters,
  • gradually unfolding for them the richness and relevance of Jesus’ vision of the human person and of the world.

Marist Educational Philosophy is informed by Marist Values of:

  • Presence – caring, welcoming spirit,
  • Authenticity – honesty and sincerity, integrity, lack of pretence
  • Building Community – valuing each one, respecting diversity, inclusive of all, fostering tolerance, and being part of something bigger than ourselves.
  • Taking pride in our work – by acknowledging the dignity of work, offering a vision of a meaningful life and experiencing the rewards of achievement.

All in the Spirit of Mary

A Marist School/project is a community of faith and a centre of learning. It leads all "to learn to know, to be competent, to be tolerant, to live in harmony and, especially, to grow as persons".

As a Catholic school/project in the Marist tradition, it follows St. Marcellin’s approach to education of adults and youth, in the way of Mary.

  • Like Mary of the Annunciation we are open to the movement of God in our lives, of God for whom nothing is impossible.
  • Like Mary of the Visitation we go out from our communion with the Lord full of faith and hope.
  • Like Mary of the Magnificat we praise the Lord for the gift of life.
  • Like Mary of Bethlehem we bring Jesus to birth in the hearts of others.
  • Like Mary at the Cross we recognise Jesus in the face of the broken and suffering, aching for them with a mother's heart and believing in them with a mother's passion.
  • Like Mary at Pentacost we build a praying community united for mission.

Following the example of Mary, we encourage young people to reflect on their life experience and we assist them to acquire learning, competence and values through discovering the world, others, themselves, and God.

Moved by the compelling needs and aspirations of today’s young people, especially those who are most deprived or at risk, we constantly seek ways of entering into their lives and their world. Rooted in our own Catholic tradition and Marist identity we respect young people from other faiths and life traditions.

The Characteristic Spirit of a Marist School or project is best expressed, helped to develop and enriched by a continuing and shared dialogue on the core values between the Trustees, Board of Management, Leadership team, Staff, Parents and young people.