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Campa Le Cheile was a huge international week-long camp attended by over 1,000 Guides from more than a dozen nations. It was held in July 2007, in County Meath, Ireland.
Above: Flags of many nations at the campground
Trefoil Guild members from Cork staffed a mobile home, which was their base for providing emotional and practical support to Guides who felt homesick or had problems during the running of the camp. The Trefoil Guild members became known as the "Care Bears"!
Above: The Care Bears in person!
The chairperson of the Trefoil Guild arrived on the Open Day, with her security pass. When asked where she was going, she said, "I'm coming to see the Care Bears." The immediate response from the Security Team was, "They are great! Fantastic! Couldn't be more helpful. Having the Care Bears here is a great idea."
This is one of the ways that Trefoil Guild members can support and help Guiding. Of course, there are many other ways, and the members have proved very useful to active Guiding.
Congratulations to the Care Bears for the great contribution that they made to the success of Campa Le Cheile!
Above: Happy campers!
Report by Addy Patterson.
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