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Trefoil Guild members at an international camp

You have found the homepage of the Irish Trefoil Guild.

The Trefoil Guild is an international organisation of over 20,000 members, who have retired from active Guiding, but who aim to keep alive the spirit of Guiding, carry that spirit into the community, and give support to the active Guiding movement. And have fun in the process!

The Irish branch is involved with many different activities. For example, to the left is a photograph of Trefoil Guild members helping to run a large international camp. Below are pictured more Trefoil Guild members doing some yoga, while taking a break from volunteering at the Irish Girl Guides national office.

Here at our site, you can learn about how to become a member, what activities our members take part in, download a copy of the Trefoil Guild handbook, and learn a little about our Chairperson.

Trefoil Guild members doing yoga during a break from volunteering at the National Offices

You can also get in touch with us or explore more about the history and structure of the greater Guiding movement.

Please navigate the site using the menu at the top and bottom of each page, and feel free to email us if you have any questions. We hope you enjoy your visit!